Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Round Sausage is Easy

Happy Fourth of July! Although I will spend tomorrow writing about pineapple, today I am going to write about sausage; specifically the summer grilling kind. Spiral or round sausages look great, fill up the plate, and are actually easier to grill than regular sausages. The sausage you see above is a broccoli rabe sausage that we bought at the Seaview Market on Fire Island. All I do to grill these is place a wooden skewer (if you soak the skewer it won't burn) within the sausage to keep it tightly together and grill on high heat, covered. I turn the sausage 45 degrees prior to flipping it to give it attractive grill marks. I flip the sausage when it is about two thirds cooked through. Besides flipping the sausage, I will tilt it a bit so that grease accumulating on the top is drained off. The meat is ready when its firm to the touch. Round sausages are available all over, although I often buy them at Citarella and Ottomanelli's. If you do go to Fire Island, the Seaview Market has an impressive collection of meat in general.

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